available summer 2025!

A Song a Day: Brain Prep for Pre-Readers


For PreK & K

50 fun, short, daily sequential lessons that use singing and basic music skills to practice foundational pre-reading skills that develop the brain for reading: auditory processing, auditory memory, phonological awareness, and beat syncronization.

No prior music training needed


A Song a Day Pilot

About 40 preschool and kindergarten teachers piloted A Song a Day lessons. Before they started, they assessed each student’s music skills with Rock ‘n’ Read’s Musical Fitness Assessment. Next, they taught the 50 daily lessons for 10 weeks. Afterwards, the teachers re-assessed each student’s music skills.

An independent researcher analyzed the students’ pre- and post-scores and found that both preschool and kindergarten students made statistically significant growth in music skills.



Children—and their teachers—love these lessons!